
간단한 파워서플라이 회로모음

by Progress posted Sep 08, 2015


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간단한 파워서플라이 회로모음

트랜스포머 없이 변환

Capacitor power supply

X Rated capacitor 400 Volt

225k 400v capacitor

Before selecting the dropping capacitor, it is necessary to understand the working principle and the operation of the dropping capacitor. The X rated capacitor is designed for 250, 400, 600 VAC. Higher voltage versions are also available. The Effective Impedance (Z), Rectance (X) and the mains frequency (50 – 60 Hz) are the important parameters to be considered while selecting the capacitor. The reactance (X) of the capacitor (C) in the mains frequency (f) can be calculated using the formula:

X = 1 / (2 ¶ fC )

transformerless power supply