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[AHK_L] 현재 열려진 인터넷 창 값 가져오기


프레임 제어는


AHK_L(롱) 은 이렇게...


#include d:\COM.ahk

IEGet( name="" )
   IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame ; Get active window if no parameter
   Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs" : RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
   For pwb in ComObjCreate( "Shell.Application" ).Windows
      If ( pwb.LocationName = Name ) && InStr( pwb.FullName, "iexplore.exe" )
         Return pwb

pwb := IEGet("Access an existing IE object - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
pwb.Visible := True ; Make the IE object visible
Sleep, 2000
test := pwb.document.documentElement.innerText
MsgBox, %test%



AHK 베이직은 이렇게...

#include d:\COM.ahk
; AHK Basic:

; AHK Basic:

IEGet( name="" )
   IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame ; Get active window if no parameter
   Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs" : RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
   oShell := COM_CreateObject( "Shell.Application" ) ; Contains reference to all explorer windows
   Loop, % COM_Invoke( oShell, "Windows.Count" ) {   
      If pwb := COM_Invoke( oShell, "Windows.item[" A_Index-1 "]" )
         If ( COM_Invoke( pwb, "LocationName" ) = name && InStr( COM_Invoke( pwb, "FullName" ), "iexplore.exe" ) )
      COM_Release( pwb ), pwb := ""
   COM_Release( oShell )
   Return, pwb


pwb := IEGet("Search")
COM_Invoke( pwb, "Visible", True )
Sleep, 2000
;test := pwb.document.DocumentoLottoForm._view_mittente.value
text := COM_Invoke(pwb, "document.documentElement.innerText")


MsgBox, %text%


Basic Ahk_L COM Tutorial for Webpages



This guide is not intended to replace the great work that other (more advanced) members have put into other guides. It is designed to help non-coders (n00bz) grasp the basic concepts of AutoHotkey_L COM.

This guide will focus on giving the reader a baseline understanding of the use of the Component Object Model(COM) which can be used to manipulate an application with designed with Document Object Model or DOM such as Internet Explorer.

Q: What is COM? (도대체 컴이 뭐유?)
The Component Object Model is a collection of automation objects that allows a user to interface with various methods and properties of an application.

Q: How do I use it in my script?
There is no easy answer to this question. Why? Because there are different commands to every type of COM object. For instance the methods for Internet Explorer are completely different from MS Office.

In this tutorial I will focus on using COM to script simple commands that will be used to automate IE. Before you can do anything with the IE DOM you have to create a handle to the application.

Code (Copy):
Pwb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")

"Pwb" or Pointer to a Web Browser is the common name for your handle to IE. Your script doesn't care what you name your Pointer you could name it "WhatAboutBob" if you really wanted to.
Now that you have a handle you need to do something with it. Think of it like the steering wheel of a car. Just because you have the wheel in your hands doesn't mean your driving the car.
Code (Copy):
Pwb.Visible := True   

This is the next line of code you will HAVE to have. Your code can work without it but you won't be able to see anything going on. By default IE starts off in invisible mode. I'll go ahead and point out that ".Visible" is NOT AHK code. It is a built in method in the DOM. You can access it through any COM compatible language (Ruby,C++,ect).
Code (Copy):

At this point we have actually done something. That is open up an instance of IE and navigated to You could also store an address in a variable.
Code (Copy):

What about accessing an already open web browser? Good Q! There is no simple command for this. Instead you will have to rely on a function (I did not write) to do this for you.
Code (Copy):
IEGet(Name="")      ;Retrieve pointer to existing IE window/tab
   IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame
      Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs"
      : RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
   For Pwb in ComObjCreate( "Shell.Application" ).Windows
      If ( Pwb.LocationName = Name ) && InStr( Pwb.FullName, "iexplore.exe" )
         Return Pwb
} ;written by Jethrow

If your thinking "Holy Heart Attack Batman!" fear not you don't need to understand how this function works to implement it into your script. What this function does is looks through the windows on your computer for IE and then for the tab name of the page you sent it OR default to the last activated tab.
Code (Copy):

Pwb := IEGet()   ;Last active window/tab
Pwb := IEGet("Google")   ;Tab name you define can also be a variable

Now that we can open IE and navigate to pages we can manipulate things now right? Wrong!

notice the loading bar at the bottom of the page or wherever your browser has it? That is your first adversary. You are going to have to tell your script to wait till your page is done loading.
Code (Copy):

IELoad(Pwb)   ;You must send the function your Handle for it to work

This is a function that is based of the iWeb function Tank built. If you don't care to understand how it works then just know that you must have this (or another similer) function on any script that deals with IE.
Code (Expand - Copy):

IELoad(Pwb)   ;You need to send the IE handle to the function unless you define it as global.
   If !Pwb   ;If Pwb is not a valid pointer then quit
      Return False
   Loop   ;Otherwise sleep for .1 seconds untill the page starts loading
   Until (Pwb.busy)
   Loop   ;Once it starts loading wait until completes
   Until (!Pwb.busy)
   Loop   ;optional check to wait for the page to completely load
   Until (Pwb.Document.Readystate = "Complete")
Return True

Now that you can access an existing page or launch a new one we can actually do something useful. Let's fill the search field. We are going to use the "Name" element to do this.
Code (Copy):

Pwb.Document.All.q.Value := " tutorial"

You can also set a form to a variable:
Code (Copy):

Website = tutorial
Pwb.Document.All.q.Value := Website

로그인 후 댓글쓰기가 가능합니다.


  1. AHK_L) SysListView321 컨트롤 내용 추출하기

  2. autohotkey - 변수리스트(Variables and Expressions) 모음

  3. [AHK_B&AHK_L] 익스플로러 HTML 문서정보 알아내기(IE HTML Element Spy)

  4. [AHK_B&AHK_L] 엑셀 제어 비교.

  5. [AHK_L] 현재 열려진 인터넷 창 값 가져오기

  6. [AHK] COM Standard Library

  7. [AHK] AutoHotkey_N, AutoHotkey.dll

  8. 정보수집

  9. No Image 25Feb
    by Progress
    2011/02/25 in AutoHotKey
    Views 14760 

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  10. ahk로 만든 파일을 exe로 컴파일 한 후 실행시킬때 변수를 임의

  11. 클릭해서 새창열리는 페이지에 클릭 또는 값설정 가능한가요?

  12. ahk_l 웹페이지 파일로 저장한 뒤 불러와 필요한 부분 추출하여 출력하기

  13. ahk_l 웹페이지 앞, 뒤페이지 제어 예제소스 및 설명첨부

  14. ahk_l 과 com 의 이해

  15. autohotkey_L Object

  16. COM 사용

  17. 웹페이지의 내용을 변수에 넣기

  18. WinMenuSelectItem로 메뉴선택하기

  19. [ahk_l] 섬세한 인터넷 자동검색

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