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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Tips N Tricks

Using Registry Editor, browse to the following value in the registry: 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\CompletionChar 
and modify it to be 9Note: Chr(9) = TAB 

To Undo it modify the value to be 0

    The following code will toggle the Command Completion Feature between OFF & ON (Tab)

UNIX Shell "Command Completion" feature for WINDOWS.
This scripts toggles the feature (affects CURRENT User) everytime run.
Change RootKey to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" for applying a Global change.

SubKey  :="Software\Microsoft\Command Processor"


MsgBox,64,Command Completion feature, Completion Character = %cChar%

Process Listing - Using third party DLL! 


A much simpler & effective code ( 8 lines only) for retrieving 
the Process List (from the Task Manager) has been posted by Mr.Laszlo in this same topic: 

A pure AHK solution by calling Windows API functions has been posted by Titan in this same topic:

Note: If you are using Windows 2000 and no processes are returned, then add #NoEnv to be the first line in Titan's script. I faced this problem & it took me many hours before I found the truth. 

Code (Expand):

Demonstration code for third party DLL : KJLPROC.DLL
This script creates a ListView of running processes.
Tested only in Windows 2000.

Title        : Easy Process Listing with Third Party DLL.
Author       : A.N.Suresh Kumar aka "Goyyah"
Created Date : 30-Sep-2006
Last Modfied : 30-Sep-2006

Download Information:

ZIP File : [30K]
WebSite  :
 Backup  : 

Only DLL : [52K]
License  :

SnapShot :


Menu, Tray, Icon, User32.dll, 1
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Margin, 1, 1
Gui, Add, ListView, w640 h400, Process|PID|Win ID|Win Title|Priority

DataPointer := DllCall("kjlproc.dll\KJLPList", Int,1)

The above DllCall returns a pointer to memory address of
the actual text data. The following lines extracts the data
from the pointer. 

Slen := DllCall("lstrlen", UInt, DataPointer) 
VarSetCapacity(ProcessList, Slen) 
DllCall("lstrcpy", Str, ProcessList, UInt, DataPointer)

My sincere thanks to Philippe Lhoste aka PhiLho for above code.

Loop, PARSE, ProcessList, |
     StringSplit, Field, A_LoopField, ^
     IfEqual, Field1, _Total.exe, Continue
     Field5 := GetPriority(Field2)
     LV_Add("", Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5)
Gui, Add, StatusBar, ,Total Process Running: %Ctr%
Gui, Show, , ListView of Processes [ KJLPROC.DLL ]

GetPriority() has been posted at the following URL:

GetPriority(PID=0) { 
 IfLessOrEqual, PID, 0, Return, "Error!" 
 hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess", Int,1024, Int,0, Int,PID) 
 Priority := DllCall("GetPriorityClass", Int,hProcess) 
 DllCall("CloseHandle", Int,hProcess) 
 IfEqual, Priority, 64   , Return, "Low" 
 IfEqual, Priority, 16384, Return, "BelowNormal" 
 IfEqual, Priority, 32   , Return, "Normal" 
 IfEqual, Priority, 32768, Return, "AboveNormal" 
 IfEqual, Priority, 128  , Return, "High" 
 IfEqual, Priority, 256  , Return, "Realtime" 
Return "" 



  • Disclaimer: Not tested/experimented enough! . 
  • Standalone download : kjlproc.dll 
  • kjlproc.dll contains only one function : KJLPList() and is fast enough! 
  • kjlproc.dll is sized at 52 Kb .. That is big for a single function, but it saves me many lines of confusion! 
  • The DLL is freeware but I find the license confusing: Software License.txt 
  • The retrieval of the "Process list" as a single string involves only 4 lines: 

      Copy / Paste / Try example :

    DataPointer := DllCall("kjlproc.dll\KJLPList", Int,1) 
    Slen := DllCall("lstrlen", UInt, DataPointer) 
    VarSetCapacity(ProcessList, Slen) 
    DllCall("lstrcpy", Str, ProcessList, UInt, DataPointer) 

    FileAppend, %ProcessList%, proc.txt
    MsgBox, 64,List of Process, %ProcessList%

  • Here is a copy of proc.txt 

    Edit: 11-Nov-2006


To ascertain which processes are GUI based one may use the IsGUI() 
A := IsGui("System")
MsgBox, % A

IsGUI(process="") { 
 Process, Exist, %process% 
 PID := ErrorLevel 
 IfLessOrEqual, PID, 0, Return, "Process:%process% does not exist!" 

 hProcess   := DllCall("OpenProcess", Int,1024, Int,0, Int,PID) 
 GuiObjects := DllCall("GetGuiResources", Int,hProcess, Int,1)
 DllCall("CloseHandle", Int,hProcess) 
Return 1-!GuiObjects ; Return 1 if process has GUI, else 0

GetGuiResources maybe used with Titan's Process Listing solution ( also available in AHK Documentation) to determine whether a process is GUI based. However, you cannot use it to verify an AHK process, because even a non-GUI AHK script has a GUI which can be viewed by double-clicking the tray icon. 

See MSDN : GetGuiResources 

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