
[윈도우 웹서버] hmailserver

by 디케 posted Aug 22, 2010


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[윈도우 웹서버] Windows2003+Apache2+MySQL4.1+ ...

 Starting task...

Please wait while creating database...
The MySQL client (libmysql.dll, 32 bit) could not be loaded.
hMailServer needs this file to be able to connect to MySQL.
The MySQL client needs to be manually copied to the hMailServer Bin directory. The file is not included in the hMailServer installation.
Path: C:\Program Files\hMailServer\Bin\libmysql.dll

libmysql.dll 파일이 MySQL의 bin 디렉터리에 있습니다.

저 파일을 hMailServer\bin 디렉터리로 카피해 주신 후
다시 해보세요.



Download hMailServer

You can either download the binaries or the sourcecode. It's recommended that you download the binaries unless you want to compile the server yourself. The installation is made using an easy-to-use installation wizard. The wizard will guide you through set up, and will automatically install and set up everything you need for hMailServer to run.

Upgrading from earlier versions?

If you are upgrading from hMailServer 4.3 or previous, and you are using the internal MySQL database, please upgrade to the latest stable 4.x version before upgrading to hMailServer 5. If you are using other database engines this is not necessary.

Production releases

Beta releases

These are beta releases. This means that they have not been as much tested as the production releases. We recommend production releases for all production environments unless there is a specific reason to use a beta build.

Older releases

It's possible to download older releases on the archive download page.

Source code

Compressed versions of the hMailServer source code, up until the latest 4.x-version, can be found on the source code download page


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