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2021.06.05 12:33

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파이썬으로 네이버 증권정보 추출하기


import time
from unicodedata import lookup #time 명령어 사용하기 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # BeautifulSoup 불러오기
#파이썬 requests 모듈은 간편한 HTTP 요청처리를 위해 사용하는 모듈로 별도로 설치해 주어야 한다.
import requests #pip3 install requests
search_data = "140520"
url = "" + search_data + "&cn="
html = requests.get(url)
bs_html = BeautifulSoup(html.content,"html.parser")

search_name ="span")[2].text
#현재가 추출
nowval ="tr")[3]
now ="strong")[0].get_text(" "strip=True)
#eps, bps, per, bpr, 배당정보 추출
val_rs ="td")[2]
eps ="dt b.num")[0].text
bps ="dt b.num")[1].text
per ="dt b.num")[2].text
upper ="dt b.num")[3].text
pbr ="dt b.num")[4].text
allocation ="dt b.num")[5].text
print(now + " ||| " + eps + " ||| " + bps + " ||| " + per + " ||| " + upper + " ||| " + pbr + " ||| " + allocation)
#대주주 지분율 추출
Shareholder_re ="tr")[19]
Shareholder ="td")[2].get_text(" "strip=True)
#기업 내용
contents ="div.cmp_comment li")
content = ""
for i in contents:
    content = content + i.text #contents변수가 i변수로 대체되니 파이썬만의 특이함이 새롭다.

#결과값 스프레드로 전달하기
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
scope = [
json_file_name = 'C:\\Users\\크리스퍼\\python_code\\스프레드시트json키.json'
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(json_file_namescope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
spreadsheet_url = '스프레드시트 파일 주소'
# 스프레스시트 문서 가져오기 
doc = gc.open_by_url(spreadsheet_url)
# 시트 선택하기
worksheet = doc.worksheet('관심종목')
#print(now + " ||| " + eps + " ||| " + bps + " ||| " + per + " ||| " + upper + " ||| " + pbr + " ||| " + allocation)
worksheet.insert_row(['1'search_datasearch_namenowepsbpsperpbrallocationShareholdercontent], 4)
로그인 후 댓글쓰기가 가능합니다.


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