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/* Copyright (C) NAVER <> */


 * Class to use MySQL DBMS

 * mysql handling class


 * Does not use prepared statements, since mysql driver does not support them


 * @author NAVER (

 * @package /classes/db

 * @version 0.1


class DBMysql extends DB



* prefix of a tablename (One or more XEs can be installed in a single DB)

* @var string


var $prefix = 'xe_'; // / <

var $comment_syntax = '/* %s */';


* Column type used in MySQL


* Becasue a common column type in schema/query xml is used for colum_type,

* it should be replaced properly for each DBMS

* @var array


var $column_type = array(

'bignumber' => 'bigint',

'number' => 'bigint',

'varchar' => 'varchar',

'char' => 'char',

'text' => 'text',

'bigtext' => 'longtext',

'date' => 'varchar(14)',

'float' => 'float',



* Constructor

* @return void


function DBMysql()






* Create an instance of this class

* @return DBMysql return DBMysql object instance


function create()


return new DBMysql;



* DB Connect

* this method is private

* @param array $connection connection's value is db_hostname, db_port, db_database, db_userid, db_password

* @return resource


function __connect($connection)


// Ignore if no DB information exists

if(strpos($connection["db_hostname"], ':') === false && $connection["db_port"])


$connection["db_hostname"] .= ':' . $connection["db_port"];


// Attempt to connect

$result = @mysql_connect($connection["db_hostname"], $connection["db_userid"], $connection["db_password"]);



exit('XE cannot connect to DB.');




$this->setError(mysql_errno(), mysql_error());



// Error appears if the version is lower than 4.1

if(version_compare(mysql_get_server_info($result), '4.1', '<'))


$this->setError(-1, 'XE cannot be installed under the version of mysql 4.1. Current mysql version is ' . mysql_get_server_info());



// select db

@mysql_select_db($connection["db_database"], $result);



$this->setError(mysql_errno(), mysql_error());



return $result;



* If have a task after connection, add a taks in this method

* this method is private

* @param resource $connection

* @return void


function _afterConnect($connection)


// Set utf8 if a database is MySQL

$this->_query("set names 'utf8'", $connection);



* DB disconnection

* this method is private

* @param resource $connection

* @return void


function _close($connection)





* Handles quatation of the string variables from the query

* @param string $string

* @return string


function addQuotes($string)


if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.9.0", "<") && get_magic_quotes_gpc())


$string = stripslashes(str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $string));




$string = @mysql_real_escape_string($string);


return $string;



* DB transaction start

* this method is private

* @return boolean


function _begin()


return true;



* DB transaction rollback

* this method is private

* @return boolean


function _rollback()


return true;



* DB transaction commit

* this method is private

* @return boolean


function _commit()


return true;



* Execute the query

* this method is private

* @param string $query

* @param resource $connection

* @return resource


function __query($query, $connection)




exit('XE cannot handle DB connection.');


// Run the query statement

$result = mysql_query($query, $connection);

// Error Check



$this->setError(mysql_errno($connection), mysql_error($connection));


// Return result

return $result;



* Fetch the result

* @param resource $result

* @param int|NULL $arrayIndexEndValue

* @return array


function _fetch($result, $arrayIndexEndValue = NULL)


$output = array();

if(!$this->isConnected() || $this->isError() || !$result)


return $output;


while($tmp = $this->db_fetch_object($result))




$output[$arrayIndexEndValue--] = $tmp;




$output[] = $tmp;



if(count($output) == 1)




return $output;




return $output[0];




return $output;



* Return the sequence value incremented by 1

* Auto_increment column only used in the sequence table

* @return int


function getNextSequence()


$query = sprintf("insert into `%ssequence` (seq) values ('0')", $this->prefix);


$sequence = $this->db_insert_id();

if($sequence % 10000 == 0)


$query = sprintf("delete from  `%ssequence` where seq < %d", $this->prefix, $sequence);



return $sequence;



* Function to obtain mysql old password(mysql only)

* @param string $password input password

* @param string $saved_password saved password in DBMS

* @return boolean


function isValidOldPassword($password, $saved_password)


$query = sprintf("select password('%s') as password, old_password('%s') as old_password", $this->addQuotes($password), $this->addQuotes($password));

$result = $this->_query($query);

$tmp = $this->_fetch($result);

if($tmp->password == $saved_password || $tmp->old_password == $saved_password)


return true;


return false;



* Check a table exists status

* @param string $target_name

* @return boolean


function isTableExists($target_name)


$query = sprintf("show tables like '%s%s'", $this->prefix, $this->addQuotes($target_name));

$result = $this->_query($query);

$tmp = $this->_fetch($result);



return false;


return true;



* Add a column to the table

* @param string $table_name table name

* @param string $column_name column name

* @param string $type column type, default value is 'number'

* @param int $size column size

* @param string|int $default default value

* @param boolean $notnull not null status, default value is false

* @return void


function addColumn($table_name, $column_name, $type = 'number', $size = '', $default = '', $notnull = false)


$type = $this->column_type[$type];

if(strtoupper($type) == 'INTEGER')


$size = '';


$query = sprintf("alter table `%s%s` add `%s` ", $this->prefix, $table_name, $column_name);



$query .= sprintf(" %s(%s) ", $type, $size);




$query .= sprintf(" %s ", $type);




$query .= sprintf(" default '%s' ", $default);




$query .= " not null ";


return $this->_query($query);



* Drop a column from the table

* @param string $table_name table name

* @param string $column_name column name

* @return void


function dropColumn($table_name, $column_name)


$query = sprintf("alter table `%s%s` drop `%s` ", $this->prefix, $table_name, $column_name);




* Check column exist status of the table

* @param string $table_name table name

* @param string $column_name column name

* @return boolean


function isColumnExists($table_name, $column_name)


$query = sprintf("show fields from `%s%s`", $this->prefix, $table_name);

$result = $this->_query($query);





$output = $this->_fetch($result);



$column_name = strtolower($column_name);

foreach($output as $key => $val)


$name = strtolower($val->Field);

if($column_name == $name)


return true;




return false;



* Add an index to the table

* $target_columns = array(col1, col2)

* $is_unique? unique : none

* @param string $table_name table name

* @param string $index_name index name

* @param string|array $target_columns target column or columns

* @param boolean $is_unique

* @return void


function addIndex($table_name, $index_name, $target_columns, $is_unique = false)




$target_columns = array($target_columns);


$query = sprintf("alter table `%s%s` add %s index `%s` (%s);", $this->prefix, $table_name, $is_unique ? 'unique' : '', $index_name, implode(',', $target_columns));




* Drop an index from the table

* @param string $table_name table name

* @param string $index_name index name

* @param boolean $is_unique

* @return void


function dropIndex($table_name, $index_name, $is_unique = false)


$query = sprintf("alter table `%s%s` drop index `%s`", $this->prefix, $table_name, $index_name);




* Check index status of the table

* @param string $table_name table name

* @param string $index_name index name

* @return boolean


function isIndexExists($table_name, $index_name)


//$query = sprintf("show indexes from %s%s where key_name = '%s' ", $this->prefix, $table_name, $index_name);

$query = sprintf("show indexes from `%s%s`", $this->prefix, $table_name);

$result = $this->_query($query);





$output = $this->_fetch($result);







$output = array($output);


for($i = 0; $i < count($output); $i++)


if($output[$i]->Key_name == $index_name)


return true;



return false;



* Creates a table by using xml contents

* @param string $xml_doc xml schema contents

* @return void|object


function createTableByXml($xml_doc)


return $this->_createTable($xml_doc);



* Creates a table by using xml file path

* @param string $file_name xml schema file path

* @return void|object


function createTableByXmlFile($file_name)






// read xml file

$buff = FileHandler::readFile($file_name);

return $this->_createTable($buff);



* Create table by using the schema xml


* type : number, varchar, tinytext, text, bigtext, char, date, \n

* opt : notnull, default, size\n

* index : primary key, index, unique\n

* @param string $xml_doc xml schema contents

* @return void|object


function _createTable($xml_doc)


// xml parsing

$oXml = new XmlParser();

$xml_obj = $oXml->parse($xml_doc);

// Create a table schema

$table_name = $xml_obj->table->attrs->name;





$table_name = $this->prefix . $table_name;



$columns[] = $xml_obj->table->column;




$columns = $xml_obj->table->column;


$primary_list = array();

$unique_list = array();

$index_list = array();

foreach($columns as $column)


$name = $column->attrs->name;

$type = $column->attrs->type;

$size = $column->attrs->size;

$notnull = $column->attrs->notnull;

$primary_key = $column->attrs->primary_key;

$index = $column->attrs->index;

$unique = $column->attrs->unique;

$default = $column->attrs->default;

$auto_increment = $column->attrs->auto_increment;

$column_schema[] = sprintf('`%s` %s%s %s %s %s', $name, $this->column_type[$type], $size ? '(' . $size . ')' : '', isset($default) ? "default '" . $default . "'" : '', $notnull ? 'not null' : '', $auto_increment ? 'auto_increment' : '');



$primary_list[] = $name;


else if($unique)


$unique_list[$unique][] = $name;


else if($index)


$index_list[$index][] = $name;





$column_schema[] = sprintf("primary key (%s)", '`' . implode($primary_list, '`,`') . '`');




foreach($unique_list as $key => $val)


$column_schema[] = sprintf("unique %s (%s)", $key, '`' . implode($val, '`,`') . '`');





foreach($index_list as $key => $val)


$column_schema[] = sprintf("index %s (%s)", $key, '`' . implode($val, '`,`') . '`');



$schema = sprintf('create table `%s` (%s%s) %s;', $this->addQuotes($table_name), "\n", implode($column_schema, ",\n"), "ENGINE = MYISAM  CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci");

$output = $this->_query($schema);


return false;



* Handles insertAct

* @param Object $queryObject

* @param boolean $with_values

* @return resource


function _executeInsertAct($queryObject, $with_values = true)


$query = $this->getInsertSql($queryObject, $with_values, true);

$query .= (__DEBUG_QUERY__ & 1 && $this->query_id) ? sprintf(' ' . $this->comment_syntax, $this->query_id) : '';

if(is_a($query, 'Object'))




return $this->_query($query);



* Handles updateAct

* @param Object $queryObject

* @param boolean $with_values

* @return resource


function _executeUpdateAct($queryObject, $with_values = true)


$query = $this->getUpdateSql($queryObject, $with_values, true);

if(is_a($query, 'Object'))


if(!$query->toBool()) return $query;

else return;


$query .= (__DEBUG_QUERY__ & 1 && $this->query_id) ? sprintf(' ' . $this->comment_syntax, $this->query_id) : '';

return $this->_query($query);



* Handles deleteAct

* @param Object $queryObject

* @param boolean $with_values

* @return resource


function _executeDeleteAct($queryObject, $with_values = true)


$query = $this->getDeleteSql($queryObject, $with_values, true);

$query .= (__DEBUG_QUERY__ & 1 && $this->query_id) ? sprintf(' ' . $this->comment_syntax, $this->query_id) : '';

if(is_a($query, 'Object'))




return $this->_query($query);



* Handle selectAct

* In order to get a list of pages easily when selecting \n

* it supports a method as navigation

* @param Object $queryObject

* @param resource $connection

* @param boolean $with_values

* @return Object


function _executeSelectAct($queryObject, $connection = null, $with_values = true)


$limit = $queryObject->getLimit();

$result = NULL;

if($limit && $limit->isPageHandler())


return $this->queryPageLimit($queryObject, $result, $connection, $with_values);




$query = $this->getSelectSql($queryObject, $with_values);

if(is_a($query, 'Object'))




$query .= (__DEBUG_QUERY__ & 1 && $queryObject->queryID) ? sprintf(' ' . $this->comment_syntax, $queryObject->queryID) : '';

$result = $this->_query($query, $connection);



return $this->queryError($queryObject);


$data = $this->_fetch($result);

$buff = new Object ();

$buff->data = $data;



$update_query = $this->getClickCountQuery($queryObject);

$this->_executeUpdateAct($update_query, $with_values);


return $buff;




* Get the ID generated in the last query

* Return next sequence from sequence table

* This method use only mysql

* @return int


function db_insert_id()


$connection = $this->_getConnection('master');

return mysql_insert_id($connection);



* Fetch a result row as an object

* @param resource $result

* @return object


function db_fetch_object(&$result)


return mysql_fetch_object($result);



* Free result memory

* @param resource $result

* @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


function db_free_result(&$result)


return mysql_free_result($result);



* Return the DBParser

* @param boolean $force

* @return DBParser


function &getParser($force = FALSE)


$dbParser = new DBParser('`', '`', $this->prefix);

return $dbParser;



* If have a error, return error object

* @param Object $queryObject

* @return Object


function queryError($queryObject)


$limit = $queryObject->getLimit();

if($limit && $limit->isPageHandler())


$buff = new Object ();

$buff->total_count = 0;

$buff->total_page = 0;

$buff->page = 1;

$buff->data = array();

$buff->page_navigation = new PageHandler(/* $total_count */0, /* $total_page */1, /* $page */1, /* $page_count */10); //default page handler values

return $buff;








* If select query execute, return page info

* @param Object $queryObject

* @param resource $result

* @param resource $connection

* @param boolean $with_values

* @return Object Object with page info containing


function queryPageLimit($queryObject, $result, $connection, $with_values = true)


$limit = $queryObject->getLimit();

// Total count

$temp_where = $queryObject->getWhereString($with_values, false);

$count_query = sprintf('select count(*) as "count" %s %s', 'FROM ' . $queryObject->getFromString($with_values), ($temp_where === '' ? '' : ' WHERE ' . $temp_where));

// Check for distinct query and if found update count query structure

$temp_select = $queryObject->getSelectString($with_values);

$uses_distinct = stripos($temp_select, "distinct") !== false;

$uses_groupby = $queryObject->getGroupByString() != '';

if($uses_distinct || $uses_groupby)


$count_query = sprintf('select %s %s %s %s'

, $temp_select == '*' ? '1' : $temp_select

, 'FROM ' . $queryObject->getFromString($with_values)

, ($temp_where === '' ? '' : ' WHERE ' . $temp_where)

, ($uses_groupby ? ' GROUP BY ' . $queryObject->getGroupByString() : '')


// If query uses grouping or distinct, count from original select

$count_query = sprintf('select count(*) as "count" from (%s) xet', $count_query);


$count_query .= (__DEBUG_QUERY__ & 1 && $queryObject->queryID) ? sprintf(' ' . $this->comment_syntax, $queryObject->queryID) : '';

$result_count = $this->_query($count_query, $connection);

$count_output = $this->_fetch($result_count);

$total_count = (int) (isset($count_output->count) ? $count_output->count : NULL);

$list_count = $limit->list_count->getValue();



$list_count = 20;


$page_count = $limit->page_count->getValue();



$page_count = 10;


$page = $limit->page->getValue();

if(!$page || $page < 1)


$page = 1;


// total pages



$total_page = (int) (($total_count - 1) / $list_count) + 1;




$total_page = 1;


// check the page variables

if($page > $total_page)


// If requested page is bigger than total number of pages, return empty list

$buff = new Object ();

$buff->total_count = $total_count;

$buff->total_page = $total_page;

$buff->page = $page;

$buff->data = array();

$buff->page_navigation = new PageHandler($total_count, $total_page, $page, $page_count);

return $buff;


$start_count = ($page - 1) * $list_count;

$query = $this->getSelectPageSql($queryObject, $with_values, $start_count, $list_count);

$query .= (__DEBUG_QUERY__ & 1 && $queryObject->query_id) ? sprintf(' ' . $this->comment_syntax, $this->query_id) : '';

$result = $this->_query($query, $connection);



return $this->queryError($queryObject);


$virtual_no = $total_count - ($page - 1) * $list_count;

$data = $this->_fetch($result, $virtual_no);

$buff = new Object ();

$buff->total_count = $total_count;

$buff->total_page = $total_page;

$buff->page = $page;

$buff->data = $data;

$buff->page_navigation = new PageHandler($total_count, $total_page, $page, $page_count);

return $buff;



* If select query execute, return paging sql

* @param object $query

* @param boolean $with_values

* @param int $start_count

* @param int $list_count

* @return string select paging sql


function getSelectPageSql($query, $with_values = true, $start_count = 0, $list_count = 0)


$select = $query->getSelectString($with_values);

if($select == '')


return new Object(-1, "Invalid query");


$select = 'SELECT ' . $select;

$from = $query->getFromString($with_values);

if($from == '')


return new Object(-1, "Invalid query");


$from = ' FROM ' . $from;

$where = $query->getWhereString($with_values);

if($where != '')


$where = ' WHERE ' . $where;


$groupBy = $query->getGroupByString();

if($groupBy != '')


$groupBy = ' GROUP BY ' . $groupBy;


$orderBy = $query->getOrderByString();

if($orderBy != '')


$orderBy = ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy;


$limit = $query->getLimitString();

if($limit != '')


$limit = sprintf(' LIMIT %d, %d', $start_count, $list_count);


return $select . ' ' . $from . ' ' . $where . ' ' . $groupBy . ' ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit;



DBMysql::$isSupported = function_exists('mysql_connect');

/* End of file DBMysql.class.php */

/* Location: ./classes/db/DBMysql.class.php */

로그인 후 댓글쓰기가 가능합니다.


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