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2009.08.05 12:55

네이버, 다음지식 php로 RSS 출력 만들기

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네이버, 다음지식 php로 RSS 출력 만들기

RSS 수집을 하기위해 PHP로 RSS출력하는 소스를 만들어 보았습니다.

출력 내용은 제목, 링크주소, 태그 3개로 구성했습니다.

잘 나오는 것 같습니다.






$a = file('');

$bae = 0;

 if(ereg('<div style="width:100%;">',$a[$i])) $cc = 1;
 if(ereg('<!-- //MAIN CONTENTS -->',$a[$i])) $cc = 0;

 if($cc == 1)
  if(ereg('<td class="name"><a href="',$a[$i]))
    $taga = explode('<td class="name"><a href="',$a[$i]);
    $taga = explode('</a>',$taga[1]);
    $tag[$bae] = $taga[0];
//    echo $tag[$bae];
  if(ereg('<a href="/open100/db_detail.php?',$a[$i]))
    $linka = explode('<a href="',$a[$i]);
    $linka = explode('" onMouseOver',$linka[1]);
    $link[$bae] = $linka[0];

    $titlea = explode(');">',$a[$i]);
    $titlea = explode('</a>',$titlea[1]);
    $title[$bae] = $titlea[0];

//    echo $link[$bae];
//    echo $title[$bae];

 } //for_end

$content .= '<?xml version="1.0"?>'.chr(13);
$content .= '<rss version="2.0"><channel xmlns:psl="">'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <title>네이버지식 오픈사전</title>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <link></link>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <description>네이버지식 오픈사전</description>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <pubDate></pubDate>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <language>ko</language>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <copyright>Copyright ⓒ NHN Corp. All Rights Reserved.</copyright>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <webMaster></webMaster>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <generator>Naver</generator>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <docs></docs>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <ttl>20</ttl>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <image>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <url></url>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <title>Naver RSS</title>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <link></link>'.chr(13);
$content .= '  </image>'.chr(13);





  $content .= '  <item>'.chr(13);
  $content .= '  <title>'.$title[$i].'</title>'.chr(13);
  $content .= '  <link>'.htmlspecialchars($link[$i]).'</link>'.chr(13);
  $content .= '  <description>'.$description.'</description>'.chr(13);
  $cate = explode(',',$tag[$i]);

  if($cate[0]) {$content .= ' <category>'.$cate[0].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[1]) {$content .= ' <category>'.$cate[1].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[2]) {$content .= ' <category>'.$cate[2].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[3]) {$content .= ' <category>'.$cate[3].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[4]) {$content .= ' <category>'.$cate[4].'</category>'.chr(13);}

//  for($ii=0;$ii<count($cate);$i++)
//   { echo '<category>'.$cate[$ii].'</category>'; }

  $content .= '</item>'.chr(13);

$content .= '</channel>'.chr(13);
$content .= '</rss>'.chr(13);


















$a = file('');

$bae = 0;

 if(ereg('<dl class="bList listTbar">',$a[$i])) $cc = 1;
 if(ereg('<!-- [openList] End -->',$a[$i])) $cc = 0;

 if($cc == 1)
    $taga = explode('class="bB12">',$a[$i]);
    $taga = explode('</a></dd>',$taga[1]);
    $tag[$bae] = $taga[0];
//    echo $tag[$bae];
  if(ereg('<a href="/qna/openknowledge/view.html?',$a[$i]))
    $linka = explode('<a href="',$a[$i]);
    $linka = explode('">',$linka[1]);
    $link[$bae] = $linka[0];

    $titlea = explode('">',$a[$i]);
    $titlea = explode('</a>',$titlea[1]);
    $title[$bae] = $titlea[0];

//    echo $link[$bae];
//    echo $title[$bae];

 } //for_end




//header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=euc-kr');

$content .= '<?xml version="1.0"?>'.chr(13);
$content .= '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:slash="">'.chr(13);
$content .= '  <channel>'.chr(13);
$content .= ' <title>다음지식 오픈사전</title>'.chr(13);
$content .= ' <link></link>'.chr(13);
$content .= ' <description>다음지식 오픈사전입니다.</description>'.chr(13);
$content .= ' <language>ko</language>'.chr(13);
$content .= ' <pubDate>'.date("D, d M Y H:i:s",$now).'</pubDate>'.chr(13);
$content .= ' <lastBuildDate>'.date("D, d M Y H:i:s",$now).'</lastBuildDate>'.chr(13); 
$content .= ' <generator>Urin79. Daum_openDIC_RSS</generator>'.chr(13);



  $content .= ' <item>'.chr(13);

  $content .= '  <title>'.$title[$i].'</title>'.chr(13);
  $content .= '  <link>'.htmlspecialchars($link[$i]).'</link>'.chr(13);
  $content .= '  <description>'.$title[$i].'</description>'.chr(13);

  $cate = explode(',',$tag[$i]);

  if($cate[0]) {$content .= '  <category>'.$cate[0].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[1]) {$content .= '  <category>'.$cate[1].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[2]) {$content .= '  <category>'.$cate[2].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[3]) {$content .= '  <category>'.$cate[3].'</category>'.chr(13);}
  if($cate[4]) {$content .= '  <category>'.$cate[4].'</category>'.chr(13);}

//  for($ii=0;$ii<count($cate);$i++)
//   { echo '<category>'.$cate[$ii].'</category>'; }

  $content .= ' </item>'.chr(13).chr(13);


$content .= '</channel>'.chr(13);
$content .= '</rss>'.chr(13);

print $content;

// $file_pointer = fopen("../../temp/daum_man_rss.xml", "w");
//  $context = $content;
// fwrite($file_pointer, $context);
// fclose($file_pointer);





로그인 후 댓글쓰기가 가능합니다.


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