Ahk Standard Library Collection, 2010 Sep (+Gui) ~ Libs: 100
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Timestamp: 2010-09-18
Libraries: 100
Ahk Compatible: Vanilla / Mainstream
Download (~1.2 MB)
The archive contains all files and no other download is needed.
The prefix is the filename also. If a library does not have a prefix, duo to the fact it have only one function, then the file is named after the function without a prefix. In example Anchor.ahk does have one function named Anchor(). And the library ini.ahk have many functions prefixed with "ini_", i.e. ini_getValue().
For compatibility with these, you should choose another name for your files than these and another prefix (here in alphabetical order):
Count: 100
- A
- Affinity
- AHKsock
- Align
- Anchor
- argp
- baseConvert
- CColor
- cdomessage
- CMDret
- CMDret_stream
- com
- ConnectedToInternet
- ConsoleApp
- Crypt
- DamerauLevenshteinDistance
- DateParse
- Delay
- difference
- Dlg
- dll
- Dock
- DockA
- Edit
- EmptyMem
- Eval
- Exec
- File
- FileExtract
- FileGetVersionInfo
- fileIsBinary
- Font
- ftp
- Functions
- Gdip
- GetAvailableFileName
- GetCommonPath
- grep
- HLink
- Hotstrings
- HtmDlg
- httpQuery
- HttpQueryInfo
- ILButton
- ini
- InternetFileRead
- IsFullScreen
- json
- LetUserSelectRect
- MCode
- md5
- mg
- MI
- Mount
- msTill
- Notify
- pgArray
- ping
- PixPut
- ProcessInfo
- Rand
- RandomUniqNum
- Rebar
- regionGetColor
- RemoteBuf
- RichEdit
- RPath
- SB
- sc
- ShellFileOperation
- ShowMenu
- Splitter
- st
- StdoutToVar
- StrGet
- StrPut
- strTail
- StrX
- sXMLget
- TaskButton
- tf
- ThousandsSep
- Toolbar
- ToolTip
- TrayIcon
- type
- uuid
- VA
- WaitPixelColor
- WatchDirectory
- Win
- WinServ
- xpath
- yaml
See also, more material
Some tools using this "Ahk Standard Library Collection" as backend or base information center:
These are not included. Either they are not tested. not compatible with my collection or need non standard DLL files:
- LowLevel & dynamic code
Forms Framework
MS Office Automation Functions
.NET Framework Interop
Embedded Windows Scripting (VBScript & JScript) and COM
PPJoy library
Voice Recognition COM
WinTraymin to trayicon
Clock + cpu and memory usage
Interesting helper stuff for coders:
- MCodeGen - Easily transform C/C++ code into mcode
Scriptlet Library
Easy Script Block Editor
WinAPI Listing [New Version]
U T e s t
{1:"ahkstdlib", 2:"my libs", 3:"my apps", 4:"my license"}
--> Don't feed the troll! <--