
Com_invoke to login

by 디케 posted Feb 11, 2011


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Com_invoke to login

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Joined: 26 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:54 pm    Post subject: Com_invoke to loginReply with quote

Hello erbody. 

Hopefully someone can help me with this. By studying tanks awesome com tutorial ( I have learned a few things. 

I have figured out how to push the username and pw into the website, and I can click buttons on other websites, but I cannot figure out how to click the "Log in" button on my particular site. I can make it work with Focus-> {enter}, but I would like to leave the page hidden until it is logged in. Here is the DOM of : 
Code (Expand):
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/www-main-theme/css/portal_login.css" />
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> 
/*<![CDATA[*/jQuery(function(){var a="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_";tmpFm=jQuery("form[name="+a+"tmpLogin]"),loginFm=jQuery("form[name="+a+"login]"),tmpUser=jQuery("input[name=user]",tmpFm),tmpPw=jQuery("input[name=password]",tmpFm),user=jQuery("input[name=user]",loginFm),pw=jQuery("input[name=password]",loginFm),time=jQuery("input[name=submitTime]",loginFm);tmpUser.focus();tmpFm.submit(function(c){if(tmpUser.val().length==0){alert("Please enter a User Name");tmpUser.focus()}else{if(tmpPw.val().length==0){alert("Please enter Password");tmpPw.focus()}else{user.val(tmpUser.val().toUpperCase());pw.val(tmpPw.val());time.val((new Date).getTime());var b=new Cookie("defaultLogin");b.industry="manufacturing";,"/");loginFm.submit()}}return false})});/*]]>*/
<FORM method="post" name="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_login" action="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="auth_mode" value="basic" /><INPUT type="hidden" name="user" value="" /><INPUT type="hidden" name="password" value="" /><INPUT type="hidden" name="submitTime" value="" /> 
<DIV class="portalLogin">
Secure Login
<DIV class="portalLoginPanel">
<DIV class="portalLoginPanelContent">
<FORM name="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_tmpLogin" jQuery1275595950703="9">
<LEGEND>Manufacturing <SPAN>Login</SPAN></LEGEND>
<LABEL for="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_user">User Name</LABEL> <INPUT id="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_user" class="field" name="user" jQuery1275595950703="8" index="1" value="" />
<LABEL for="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_password">Password</LABEL> <INPUT id="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_password" class="field" type="password" name="password" index="2" value="" />
<LABEL>&nbsp;</LABEL> <INPUT class="loginButton" type="submit" index="3" value=" " />
<!-- Manufacturing -->

Using this information, I have come up with these two entries to push the user name and PW to this site (both work): 

But now, how do I click the link. This seems to be the code for the button: 
<LABEL>&nbsp;</LABEL> <INPUT class="loginButton" type="submit" index="3" value=" " /> 
but there is no name or id for me to select and then "click". 

I have tried these with no luck: 


;2.)   ;COM_Invoke(document, "p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_tmpLogin", "click")

;   pbuttons := COM_Invoke(document, "getElementsByTagName", "submit") 
;   ; use loop to find the right button ->pbutton 
;     COM_Invoke(pbutton, "click")
;   COM_Invoke(itemsubmit:=COM_Invoke(all3:=COM_Invoke(document:=COM_Invoke(pwb,"Document"),"All"),"getElementsbytagname","submit"),"click") 

Any ides or other clarification?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:20 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

I have had some moderate sucess using the name of the input form. But when I run the script, it submits nothing to the website, and I get "invalid user name or password": 


Again, here is the code of the form: 

Code (Expand):
link href="/www-main-theme/css/portal_login.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/jQuery(function(){var a="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_";tmpFm=jQuery("form[name="+a+"tmpLogin]"),loginFm=jQuery("form[name="+a+"login]"),tmpUser=jQuery("input[name=user]",tmpFm),tmpPw=jQuery("input[name=password]",tmpFm),user=jQuery("input[name=user]",loginFm),pw=jQuery("input[name=password]",loginFm),time=jQuery("input[name=submitTime]",loginFm);tmpUser.focus();tmpFm.submit(function(c){if(tmpUser.val().length==0){alert("Please enter a User Name");tmpUser.focus()}else{if(tmpPw.val().length==0){alert("Please enter Password");tmpPw.focus()}else{user.val(tmpUser.val().toUpperCase());pw.val(tmpPw.val());time.val((new Date).getTime());var b=new Cookie("defaultLogin");b.industry="manufacturing";,"/");loginFm.submit()}}return false})});/*]]>*/</script></p>
<form method="POST" action="" name="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_login">
    <input type="hidden" value="basic" name="auth_mode" /><input type="hidden" name="user" /><input type="hidden" name="password" /><input type="hidden" value="" name="submitTime" />
</form><div class="portalLogin">
<h2>Secure Login</h2>
<div class="portalLoginPanel">
<div class="portalLoginPanelContent">
<form name="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_tmpLogin">
    <fieldset>                     <legend>Manufacturing <span>Login</span></legend>
        <li><label for="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_user">User Name</label>                             <input type="text" index="1" name="user" id="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_user" class="field" /></li><li><label for="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_password">Password</label>                             <input type="password" index="2" name="password" id="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_password" class="field" /></li><li><label> </label>                             <input type="submit" index="3" value=" " class="loginButton" /></li></ol>
</form><!-- Manufacturing -->
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Joined: 18 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:30 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

tank's tutorials are a little dated, as the syntax for using COM has been greatly simplified by using the "dotted path": 

COM_Invoke(itemq:=COM_Invoke(all1:=COM_Invoke(document:=COM_Invoke(pwb,"document"),"All"),"item","p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_user"),"value",covuser) ; <~ old method

COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.item[p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_user].value",covuser) ; <~ new method
COM_Invoke(item62:=COM_Invoke(all2:=COM_Invoke(document:=COM_Invoke(pwb,"Document"),"All"),"item","p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_password"),"value",covpw) ; <~ old method

p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_password].value",covpw) ; <~ new method

Using that will cut down on a great deal of confusion for you and for others trying to assist you. But alas, I digress... 

You could of course submit the form directly, but the key to making the button work is to find out information about your button: 

<input type="submit" index="3" value=" " class="loginButton" />

You'll notice that the button doesn't have anything readily identifiable for it like a name or id, which will allow us the easiest access to it. The next easiest thing to do will be to determine how many buttons are on the page. We can't immediately distinguish buttons but we can distinguish how many page elements with its root HTML tag 'input' exist by using the length collection: 


Saving the result of that function call to a variable will tell you how many elements with the input tag are on the page: 

p := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].length")
MsgBox, %p% input elements.

This is valuable information because we can now create a loop that will only run for as many input elements as there are on the page. But what do we look for? We know this particular input element's type is submit: 

<input type="submit" index="3" value=" " class="loginButton" />

So that's how we'll look for it, look at only input elements whose type is submit: 

p := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].length")
Loop %p%
  t := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].type") ; item collections are zero-based indices (first item is item 0, second is 1, etc.)
. . .

The problem is that there may be multiple input items of type 'submit', so what else can uniquely match our button? The next likely suspect is the class: 

<input type="submit" index="3" value=" " class="loginButton" />

Now the class is kind of tricky because there is no class property of an item per se, but a className property: 

p := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].length")
Loop %p%
  c := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].className")
. . .

So now we have two items which should reasonably identify our button, so we just have to use the loop to search for them! 

p := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].length")
Loop %p%
  t := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].type") 
  c := COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].className")
  if (t="submit") AND (c="loginButton") { ; if both things about the input element match
    COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].click") ; click on the element
    break ; and break the loop

Having worked with COM in this way for a while I write it slightly differently: 

Loop %   COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].length") {
   if   (COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].type")="submit")
    &&   (COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].className")="loginButton") {
      COM_Invoke(pwb,"document.all.tags[input].item[" A_Index-1 "].click")

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:59 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Thank you very much, your post is very easy for me to understand, but more importantly, it works. Smile 

sinkfaze wrote:
You could of course submit the form directly,

How do I submit the form directly? The website runs a Java code locally that sanitizes the inputs (makes sure the fields are not blank), capitalizes the username, and then also submits a "SubmitTime" with the current date and time to the server. It may do other things that I don't understand. This code is the reason I wanted to click the button in the first place 

How do I submit the form directly and bypass this code? 

BTW, here is the code I refer to, I suspect it has something to do with the *loginFm.submit()* at the bottom, but i'm not sure how to use it: 

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> 
/*<![CDATA[*/jQuery(function(){var a="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_q44R_";tmpFm=jQuery("form[name="+a+"tmpLogin]"),loginFm=jQuery("form[name="+a+"login]"),tmpUser=jQuery("input[name=user]",tmpFm),tmpPw=jQuery("input[name=password]",tmpFm),user=jQuery("input[name=user]",loginFm),pw=jQuery("input[name=password]",loginFm),time=jQuery("input[name=submitTime]",loginFm);tmpUser.focus();tmpFm.submit(function(c){if(tmpUser.val().length==0){alert("Please enter a User Name");tmpUser.focus()}else{if(tmpPw.val().length==0){alert("Please enter Password");tmpPw.focus()}else{user.val(tmpUser.val().toUpperCase());pw.val(tmpPw.val());time.val((new Date).getTime());var b=new Cookie("defaultLogin");b.industry="manufacturing";,"/");loginFm.submit()}}return false})});/*]]>*/
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