AutoHotkey COM Standard Library
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This is a standard library COM.ahk.
It requires at least AHK build
Before downloading, please read first about Standard Library.
DOWNLOAD or (for AutoHotkey_L) or AutoHotkey32/64 (COM is built into).
COM_Invoke() 사용법 :
유사한 양식
If it has the form in VBS-like scripts as Code: Code:
And, if
유사한 양식Code:
However, there exist occasions the above simple form becomes ambiguous. In those cases, can force it to use PropertyPut by appending to the function name the artificial suffix "=" like: Code: Code:
There are some occasions where another COM Object ObjPrm should be a parameter. In that case, prefix it with "+" like:
As a consequence, "+0" will play the role of VBS Nothing. Code:
And, "-0" will represent VBS missing parameter. For eample
in VBS-like scripts can be written asCode: Code:
Finally, to control the error message pop-up of COM Library, callCode:
REF. If like to use dot syntax, can use ez_invoke() and/or COM_InvokeDeep().
PS. The last updated time is the last edited time of this post.